7 Reasons Why Self-Published Authors Need a Website

As a self-published author, it is very difficult to sell your book without a website. You also need a website to build your online presence. Here are seven other reasons why self-published authors need a website.

  1. A website helps self-published authors to build their reputation.
  2. A website helps authors to increase book sales.
  3. If you sell your book through online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, etc., you can use your website to provide links to other online retailers so that readers won’t have to find other ways to buy your book.
  4. Your website is where your readers can find more information about you.
  5. Your website is where you can place links to your social network accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so that your readers can connect and communicate directly with you.
  6. A website is one of the most effective ways of delivering information to your audience.
  7. Having your own website means that you own and control all of the information on your website and your audience.

As a self-published author there are many tasks you have to do to make sure that you have a successful writing career. Creating an author website will not only help you to sell more books, but it will also help you to build your reputation and connect with your readers.

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