How to Bring Joy Back into Your Writing

Joy in Writing

It has been weeks since I had written my last blog post. I knew that I needed to update my blog or else I would lose the 50+ readers that visited my website each week. But I was at a loss as to what to write about. This wasn’t just writer’s block. I think it had more to do with the fact that I was getting bored with my own writing.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed writing on my blog, but I was getting tired of writing about certain topics. So what do you do when the writing starts to feel more like a chore? Change things around to make your writing more exciting. Here are five things you can do to bring joy back into your writing.

1. Get Rid of the Topics that Bore You

Certain topics may have been fun and interesting to write about when you first started your blog, but as time marched on, you may have begun to realize that it no longer holds your attention anymore. And if you’re bored with what you are writing, then most likely your readers will get bored too.

This may not help writers who are hired to write for other people’s blogs, but if you own your blog then you can replace the boring topics with those that you find more exciting. But please be warned that if you get rid of certain topics, there is a possibility that you may lose some of your readers. But that’s okay. With new and more fascinating subjects, you may also attract new readers to your blog.

Have a look at the categories listed on your blog and think about the ones you want to keep and the ones you want to stop writing about. Also, think about any new themes that you want to include in your blog.

For example, I stopped writing about social media because I realized I was not as passionate about it as I was about digital marketing. I also wanted to focus more on including more short stories and poems on my blog as I am an author and I write nonfiction, romance, short stories, and poetry. So go ahead and cut out the topics that you find boring to write about.

2. Get Creative with Your Content

Your blog does not need to only consist of written text. There are other ways to make your blog posts much more fun to read. You can create infographics, slideshows, and short videos. If you’re good at drawing, you can also convert your writing into a short comic strip. It may take a little more time to create a more attention-grabbing blog post, but it will all be worth it when traffic to your website grows.

One thing I will advise you not to change is the font of your text. If your blog post is filled with fancy or funny-looking fonts that people can’t read you can be sure that they will leave your website and go somewhere else.

I highly recommend that you change the format of your content, but keep the text in a nice and simple font that is easy to read.

3. Be inspired by Reading Other People’s writing

Search for other blogs that are similar to yours and check out how they write their blog posts. I’m not saying that you should copy what they write, but you can have a look at the different topics that they publish on their blogs which can give you some ideas of what you can write about.

You can also read books by your favorite authors. Spending time reading a great book can inspire you and make you remember why you love to write. Sometimes it helps to put down the pen or set aside your laptop and pick up a good book to read. Reading content written by other people can help you to find joy in your writing again.

4. Improve Your Writing Skills

One of the reasons you may not feel compelled to write is that your writing skills need to be developed further. Not everyone got an ‘A+’ in English or got a bachelor’s degree in creative writing or journalism. Some people simply have raw natural writing talent. If you fit into one of these categories, then you may want to do something to improve your writing skills.

You can read books and blog posts about the things that you want to write about. For example, if you were interested in freelance photography then you should read as many books and blog posts as possible so that you can learn as much as you can about it. If you wanted to write about gardening, you should read books and blogs about gardening.

Reading helps you to study the writing styles of other writers and how they use their words to structure their sentences. Reading about stuff that you want to write about can help you to improve your writing skills and can also bring joy back into your writing.

5. Write Every Day

The last step is to keep writing every day. You can write and publish a blog post every day or keep a diary and write in it every day. Write about anything. Carry a notebook with you and write about what you saw while traveling on the bus or while you were sitting in the park. Grab a blank sheet of paper or a notebook or open a blank page on your laptop and let your creative juices flow. If you keep writing every day, it will get a lot easier to write and it can also bring back the joy of writing.

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