How to Format Your Book for Draft2Digital

Format your book

In this week’s blog post, we will cover how to format your nonfiction book for Draft2Digital. Formatting your book for Draft2Digital is much easier than doing it for Amazon. There are only a few things you need to do to get your book ready to upload.

Sign Up for a Free Account

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Format Your Book

You can easily format your book in Microsoft Word and save it as .doc or .docx file and Draft2Digital will convert it into an e-book.

Once you upload your book to Draft2Digital, it will be converted into an epub, .mobi and PDF file.

In Microsoft Word, all you have to do is format your chapter headings and use page break. Highlight the chapter heading and on the Home tab click on Normal in the Styles section and make your chapter heading centered. Repeat this step for all of your chapter headings.

At the end of every chapter, click on the Insert tab and click on Page Break so that each chapter starts on a new page.

It is optional if you want to include a title page and a copyright page. If you don’t have these, just give Draft2Digital the information and they will create a title page and copyright page for you.

The end matter of your book consists of author bio, publisher info, and other books by the author. You do not need to include the end matter in your book because Draft2Digital will do this for you.

Draft2Digital has an automated end-matter feature in which all you have to do is enter your information once and Draft2Digital will automatically include it in all of your books and they will update it every time you change the information.

Once you have completed the formatting of your book, it will be ready to be uploaded to Draft2Digital.

Now that we have covered formatting your book, the next step is to create a book cover, which will be the topic for next week’s blog post.

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