Don’t Let Them See Your Weakness – A Poem

Woman silhouette - Don't let them see your weakness

Don’t let them see your weakness
Don’t let them see you cry
I know it’s very difficult
But you need to keep it all inside.

Don’t break down in front of them
Just hold your head up high
Even though they make fun of you
Don’t let them steal your pride.

They may think that you are weak
Show them that they’re wrong
Don’t let them shake your confidence
Show them that you’re strong!

I wrote this poem when I was working as a secretary in the tourism industry in Dominica. I loved my job, but sometimes it could get really difficult.

There was a time when I had made a mistake and a manager of a tour company (not my manager) yelled at me in front of my colleagues. I felt very embarrassed and wanted to cry.

But I was able to hold back my emotions and get on with my job. When I was back in the office alone, then I let the tears flow. That incident inspired me to write the above poem. I hope that this poem will inspire you.

Don’t let people see your weakness because they can use it against you. Keep your head held high and get on with the task you were assigned to do.

When you get a chance, find a place where you can be alone to unleash your emotions. There is nothing wrong with crying or feeling angry or upset. Just make sure to keep your emotions under control when you’re in a professional environment.


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