Restless Heart

Restless heart

Oh restless heart, why do you burn with desire? What has caused you to be set on fire? It seems you are running an endless race Refusing to move at a slower pace. Oh restless heart, Do not be in such great haste Just one wrong move Leads to a lifetime of mistakes. You have many wishes And a head full of dreams But be careful when making decisions Things are not always as good as they seem Calm yourself down Let this rapid beating be stilled Spend your time…

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Time to End Racism

End systemic racism

Coronavirus has exposed many things that have been happening around the world. Because of the covid-19 pandemic, we have become more aware of domestic violence, homelessness, unemployment, poverty, and the challenges faced by the healthcare system. But most importantly, the pandemic has exposed racism in all its ugliness and police brutality on people of color, particularly, black people. On the news we witnessed a video recording of George Floyd, an African American man, killed by a white police officer during an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The officer pressed his knee…

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Stop Being a People-Pleaser


I’m sure many of us are guilty of trying to please people at some point in our lives. We try to please our parents, our children, our siblings, our managers, our spouses, our friends, our spouses, etc. The point is that there has been someone in our lives whom we always feel we have to say yes to. The people in our lives who we are trying to please aren’t all bad. Some of them are looking out for our best interest, but others may simply be trying to manipulate…

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Out of Control

Out of Control, tired, worried, anxiety

Zayna’s husband and two daughters sat at the front of the church with all the other members of their extended family. They all had their heads down. Some were weeping quietly while others whispered to one another. Outside a hearse pulled up in front of the church and six strong men worked together to pull out the coffin. Everyone fell silent and the organ began to play gospel hymns as they carried the coffin into the church. They placed it down carefully and opened the top half of the coffin.…

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The Power of Prayer


Evil grows stronger in this world today No place to hide and I can’t run away Not a single mere mortal can make it stop Pleadings in prayer to heaven go up There is only one man who can save us all I know He can hear us whenever we call He is the Way, the Truth and the Life And He will be there to end all of our strife Don’t doubt for one minute that He doesn’t care If you believe in God He will answer all of…

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Don’t Let Covid-19 Kill Your Dream

Achievement, goals, dreams, success, victory

Life has changed drastically for many people around the world due to the Covid-19 outbreak. We have all been thinking about and trying to survive the outbreak. We have been constantly watching the news and listening to government advice on how to get through this worldwide pandemic. We have seen and heard how this new virus has badly affected the economy, destroyed lives, and changed the way we interact with others. But have we thought about how Covid-19 could provide us with the opportunity to fulfill our dreams? Before we…

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Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Stop Living in a Bubble

Comfort Zone, bubble

For years I stayed in my comfort zone. I was living in a bubble. I made sure that I was safe, comfortable, and in control of my life. I stayed in the same job for over four years, took the same route to work, and ate the same food for breakfast. To put it simply, my life was very predictable and boring. I was living my life in a bubble. I was stuck in a rut! I got tired of doing the same mundane tasks. I wanted more out of…

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Can You Still Make Money Running an Online Business in 2020?

Digital Marketing, online business

I did a bit of research and what I found is that people are still making money online, in spite of the Coronavirus crisis that’s happening right now. As the unemployment rate increases in the UK and around the world, more and more people are looking for new sources of income to help them through this difficult time. One of the best ways to make money online in 2020 is by starting a digital product business. Digital products include photos, videos, e-books, music and audio, online courses, audiobooks, graphics, and…

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Hope - Woman raising her hands int he air

Hope lives within me It is all I have to keep me going I could not survive without it Hope is like a door That leads to a world of endless possibilities When trouble finds me Hope is the beginning of escape If my friends turn against me Hope still clings to my side Hope remains with me When my family lets me down It is my security blanket In a world turned upside down If I should lose all that I have If my heart should be filled with…

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God’s Way

Making plans, couple traveling

We make plans for the future Where we will go and what we will do when we get there Often forgetting we have a Heavenly Father Who is always willing to show us the way We worry so much about tomorrow What we shall wear and what we shall eat When all we have to do is seek God first And He’ll provide all that we need. We allow temptation and troubles To darken our day So afraid to give God the control We won’t let Him have His way.…

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