How to Use Kindle Create to Format an EBook

Format eBook

Amazon has a free formatting tool called Kindle Create that you can use to convert your document into an eBook. Use Kindle Create to prepare your book for publication. This tool can be used to format a cookbook, a novel, a travel guide, a children’s book, and a comic book. Use this formatting tool to create professionally designed eBooks. In today’s blog post, I will show you how to use Kindle Create to format your document into a beautifully crafted eBook. Step 1: Download Kindle Create. Go to to…

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My Experience Using Kindle Create

Kindle books

I have been publishing my books on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for about eight years – the best decision I have ever made. This publishing platform has made it possible for me to achieve my dream of becoming an author. Over the years Amazon has improved its publishing platform to help authors to publish their books. A tool that KDP has added to its platform is Kindle Create. This is a formatting tool that helps authors to convert their completed manuscript into an eBook or a paperback. Kindle Create saves…

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