
Hope - Woman raising her hands int he air

Hope lives within me

It is all I have to keep me going

I could not survive without it

Hope is like a door

That leads to a world of endless possibilities

When trouble finds me

Hope is the beginning of escape

If my friends turn against me

Hope still clings to my side

Hope remains with me

When my family lets me down

It is my security blanket

In a world turned upside down

If I should lose all that I have

If my heart should be filled with despair

If I should feel lost and alone

I know that Hope will always be there

It is a light that pierces the dark

Light piercing the dark

For Hope is Jesus Christ,

The Master of my heart.

About This Poem

Our lives have been turned upside down since the coronavirus struck our world. Many people have lost their jobs, many businesses have shut down, and many health care workers have lost their lives in helping others to treat the disease.

I decided to publish this poem on my website in the hope that it will encourage you to keep having faith and hope in God that He will be with us and will carry us through this difficult time. God is working behind the scenes even though it may not seem like it. We just need to have faith that we will beat this virus one day, the lockdown measures will be lifted and we will be free to go back to work and our children will be able to go back to school.

This disease will not last forever. One day our lives will return to normal. This world has been infected by other deadly diseases in the past, and the nations were able to overcome it. So although we are struggling in this terrible time, I can say with confidence that “this too shall pass.”

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