Since the pandemic hit, we have all been forced to do things differently at work. For months, some of us had to work from home, some never stopped working in the office, and others were on furlough. Now that the government has ended lockdown, some of us may have had to return to work. You may be experiencing new policies, social distancing rules, and a different way of interacting and communicating with your customers and colleagues. It can be difficult trying to get used to doing things differently. Here are…
Read MoreCategory: Personal Development
Six Must-Read Books to Help You Improve Your Life
Over the years, I have read some very inspirational books that have helped me to develop myself, seek new opportunities, and change my life for the better. Here are the top six books that I have read, and one which I wrote, that I believe can help you to have a more positive attitude, increase your confidence, work towards achieving your goals, and help you to improve your life. 1. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie The author of this book offers practical advice and effective…
Read MoreDare to be Original
You are original. You are unique. You are God’s creation. You are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:14, NIV). There is no one else on this earth who is quite like you. But, all too often, we tend to pretend to be something we’re not to be accepted by our friends, to fit in, or to impress our colleagues or managers. By trying to be something we’re not, we tend to lose ourselves in the process. This is what I like to call ‘fakism’. Fakism is actually a word and…
Read MoreHow to Break the Habit of Negative Thinking
Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have been bombarded by negative images, news, and videos. We are constantly being reminded of how people all over the world are suffering from lack of healthcare, lack of food, poverty, deterioration of health, lack of safety and security, inequality, injustice, and death. These images and videos that we’re constantly being exposed to every day can negatively impact the way we view the world and the way we think. Negative events cause us to look at the world in a negative way.…
Read MoreMaking Sacrifices to Reach Our Goals
We want to spend more time with our families. We want to get rich by making passive income. We want six-pack abs. We want to be successful. We want to be happy. There are so many things that we want, but we can’t get to where we want to be without giving up something. We must make sacrifices in order to achieve our goals. Here are some of the sacrifices we have to make if we want to change our lives for the better. We have to sacrifice our time.…
Read MoreStop Being a People-Pleaser
I’m sure many of us are guilty of trying to please people at some point in our lives. We try to please our parents, our children, our siblings, our managers, our spouses, our friends, our spouses, etc. The point is that there has been someone in our lives whom we always feel we have to say yes to. The people in our lives who we are trying to please aren’t all bad. Some of them are looking out for our best interest, but others may simply be trying to manipulate…
Read MoreDon’t Let Covid-19 Kill Your Dream
Life has changed drastically for many people around the world due to the Covid-19 outbreak. We have all been thinking about and trying to survive the outbreak. We have been constantly watching the news and listening to government advice on how to get through this worldwide pandemic. We have seen and heard how this new virus has badly affected the economy, destroyed lives, and changed the way we interact with others. But have we thought about how Covid-19 could provide us with the opportunity to fulfill our dreams? Before we…
Read MoreStep Out of Your Comfort Zone: Stop Living in a Bubble
For years I stayed in my comfort zone. I was living in a bubble. I made sure that I was safe, comfortable, and in control of my life. I stayed in the same job for over four years, took the same route to work, and ate the same food for breakfast. To put it simply, my life was very predictable and boring. I was living my life in a bubble. I was stuck in a rut! I got tired of doing the same mundane tasks. I wanted more out of…
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