What Happens When You Don’t Set Goals?

What happens when you don't set goals

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of magazine articles, blog posts, videos, and books that tell you why you should set goals, how to set goals, and how to achieve those goals. But what happens when you don’t set goals? How will this affect your future? This blog post will explore the consequences of not setting goals for your life. When you don’t set goals, you have no direction. It can be difficult to set goals if you don’t know what you want to do with your life. There are times…

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Five Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure in Self-Publishing

fear of failure

Whether you are an established author or are new to the self-publishing business, you may experience the fear of failure when releasing a new book. You may wonder if your book is good enough, will people like it, will you make a lot of sales, or will it become a best seller? With all these thoughts running through your mind, you may delay publishing your book because you may think there are more things you can do to improve it before it is published. But this way of thinking only…

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Should I Stop Writing?

woman wondering what to write

For this whole week, the UK has been going through a major heatwave. It is 9:07 in the evening and the temperature is 22 degrees Celsius (71.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Earlier in the day, it was 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit). This is not the type of weather you would expect to find in the UK. This is the type of weather you would most likely find in the Caribbean. This weather has made me feel extremely hot, tired, and uninspired to write. In fact, for a long time, I…

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What to do When You Don’t Feel Inspired to Write

thinking of what to write

There are times when I don’t feel like writing. It’s not because I don’t know what to write about, it’s because I don’t feel inspired to write. But one thing I have learned is that when it comes to writing, you can’t depend on your feelings. Here are five things you can do when you don’t feel inspired to write. Read articles that give tips on what you can do when you don’t feel like writing. That’s exactly what I did when I did not feel motivated to write. I…

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Seven Things I did When I Hit Rock Bottom (And You Can do Them Too)

Hitting rock bottom

The way I was feeling a couple of weeks ago made it hard for me to write.  I was staring at a blank page, trying to think about what my next blog post should be about, but I found it hard to concentrate. It wasn’t like I did not have anything to write about. I made a whole content calendar so that I would always have fresh content for my website. But I had no desire to write about any of the topics that I had listed. All I could…

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Four Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated to Achieve Your Goals in 2022

how to keep yourself motivated

We are in the second month of the New Year. And it’s usually at this time that most people start to lose their motivation to achieve their goals. At the start of the year, you were inspired and fired up, and ready to start making changes to improve your life. But as bills start coming in and the pressures from work start to stress us out, we tend to lose our focus and forget why we made those goals in the first place. When the going gets tough, we need…

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Six Simple Ways to Think Yourself Happy

Think yourself happy

What we think about matters a lot and it is easy to fill our minds with things that can distract us, take away our joy, or destroy us. Our thoughts can have a huge impact on the way we live our lives. And this is why we need to change our mindset and think of ways to fill our minds with positive thoughts that make us happy and be filled with peace and contentment. Now is the time to start making changes to your way of thinking so that you…

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Five Ways to Prepare for a Successful New Year

Success ahead - successful New Year

It is almost time to say goodbye to 2021. In a couple of days, it will be the end of the year. This year may not have been the best year because the Covid-19 pandemic is still here causing so much disruption to people’s lives and there is so much uncertainty as to what our lives will be like in the New Year. So what can we do to ensure that next year will be better than this year? Here are 5 things you can do to prepare for a…

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How to Bring Joy Back into Your Writing

Joy in Writing

It has been weeks since I had written my last blog post. I knew that I needed to update my blog or else I would lose the 50+ readers that visited my website each week. But I was at a loss as to what to write about. This wasn’t just writer’s block. I think it had more to do with the fact that I was getting bored with my own writing. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed writing on my blog, but I was getting tired of writing about certain…

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How to End the Year Positively

people partying - how to end the year positively

I know it may be a little early to be writing this blog post, but I have been reflecting on the events that occurred throughout the year and have been thinking about what I want to accomplish next year. As we are approaching the end of 2021 we may start reflecting on the many highs and lows we experienced throughout the year and we may be wondering what we have to look forward to in the coming New Year. We may look back at our successes, our failures, our proud…

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