How to Travel Safely on Public Transportation during the Pandemic

Bus stop

Recently the government made the announcement that on 12th of April 2021 all non-essential businesses could finally reopen. Although we are all still living through the Coronavirus pandemic, this was welcoming news because it meant that the UK was finally returning to a certain level of normalcy. This meant that people who were on furlough or who were working from home would be able to go back to work. This also meant that there would be new job openings and many new opportunities for the unemployed to find jobs. Unfortunately,…

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Back to the Office: How to Transition from Remote to Onsite Work

Back to work

The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted our lives in so many ways, including forcing many of us to work from home. In the UK, we are finally coming out of lockdown and the government has announced that we are able to go back to work. But for many of us who have spent months working from home may not be all that excited about heading back to the office. So how do we successfully transition from remote to onsite work? Prepare Yourself for Going Back to Work When you were working…

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How Other Countries Celebrate Easter

Easter bunnies, Easter eggs

Everybody’s looking forward to the Easter holiday. But if you were to travel to other countries around the world, you would notice that Easter is not just about eating chocolate shaped eggs and the Easter bunny. People around the world have their own unique way of celebrating the Christian holiday. How People Celebrate Easter in Mexico For Easter in Mexico, the people celebrate the last days Jesus Christ spent on earth before His crucifixion. Catholic people begin Holy Week with a procession in which they re-enact the time when Jesus…

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Why We Should Always Show Appreciation for Our Mothers

Appreciate Mother

In the UK we celebrated Mothering Sunday, which is also popularly known as Mother’s Day, on the 14th of March. On this special day, sons and daughters show their mothers how much they appreciate them. They buy flowers for their mothers, take them out to dinner (before Covid-19), give them lovely greeting cards, or do something special for them. As wonderful as it is to have this special day to celebrate our mums, we should not have to wait for Mother’s Day to show our mothers how much we love…

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How to Create an Inspiring Work Environment in the Midst of a Pandemic

work from home

It was about a year ago that the world was struck by the Coronavirus pandemic. This deadly virus has changed the way we interact with people, restricted our travel, and changed our daily habits. One of the significant changes that has happened to most people is that we have to work from home. For some, working from home is seen as a blessing. They save money not having to commute to work, they are protecting themselves from getting Covid-19 because they do not have to work in the same office…

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My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Songs

Christmas Music

Christmas would not be the same without Christmas songs. From the start of December, I could hear festive tunes on the radio and in the stores. Of all the Christmas songs I’ve heard, I have my top five favorite musical melodies that always get my feet tapping and my head bopping every time they’re played on the radio. 1. Last Christmas – Wham! I could never get tired of listening to this song. ‘Last Christmas’, sung by George Michael and Wham! is about a couple who fell in love during…

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Five Books to Read This Christmas

Christmas open book

What better way to spend the festive holiday than to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and a good romance novel? As we get closer to Christmas, here are five romance novels that will bring you joy and that can also be given as a Christmas present. 1. I Wish It Could be Christmas Every Day These four warm and heartfelt stories will bring you joy this Christmas. Heavy snowfall forces six people to seek shelter at an inn. Mary uses the time that they are snowed in…

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How NOT to go Looney During Lockdown

Angry woman

Once again the UK finds itself entering lockdown for the second time, which will begin on Thursday, 5th of November, and expected to end on the 2nd of December. Most people are dreading this draconian move by the government as they wonder how they will survive this second lockdown. We may start to feel stress and anxiety because we cannot meet with our loved ones and are trapped at home. But there are things that we can do to keep from going looney during the lockdown. Develop a Routine You…

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Coronavirus: How the New Three-Tier Lockdown Rules Affect Us

Covid-19, Coronavirus - Stop the Spread

All over the world, Coronavirus is on the rise. As of October 22, 2020, the number of cases worldwide has grown to 42,006,178 and there have been 1,140,759 deaths. In the UK, where I live, the number of Coronavirus cases increased to 810,467 and there have been 44,347 deaths in total. The government had first announced the rule of six on September 14, 2020.  This means that only six people are allowed to meet socially indoors and outdoors. If there are social gatherings of more than six people then they…

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Black History Month: Let’s Celebrate

Black History Month

Black History Month (BHM) is the time of year when we celebrate the achievements of black people throughout history. This special month is held once every year and it was first established in the United States in 1970. BHM is usually celebrated in February in the United States and Canada, whereas it is observed by the United Kingdom, Ireland and The Netherlands in October. Outstanding Contributions of Black People We tend to be constantly reminded that black people were once slaves and that we were treated horribly by white slave…

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