Barry has only one life and one last chance to make things right.
Barry sets himself on a mission to accomplish three things: to break up with Sheila, become financially free, and rekindle his marriage. But things go wrong when a stranger from Sheila's past threatens to destroy his family. Barry only has one life and one last chance to make things right, but will it be too late?
Barry Briggs wanted nothing more than to get back together with Margi. But Sheila was determined to keep him away from his ex-wife.
But when Barry won the lottery he set himself on a mission to break up with Sheila and to rekindle his marriage with his ex-wife Margi.
But then a fatal heart attack, Sheila’s pregnancy and a dangerous man from Sheila’s past send Barry’s life spiraling out of control.
Barry only has one life and one more chance to make things right. But will he have time to put his life in order and get back together with Margie before it is too late?
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