Short Story: Allergic to Summer

Allergic to summer, allergic to the heat

Reggie sat in his room, sweat dripping down his face as he tried to cool himself with a small fan. He could feel his skin prickling and itching, a sure sign that the heat was getting to him. He sighed, wishing he could just escape the oppressive summer weather that made him feel like he was being suffocated. 

Reggie had always been different from the others. While everyone else basked in the warmth of the summer sun, Reggie dreaded those hot and humid days. He was allergic to heat, a condition that made his life a living nightmare during the months of summer. The slightest increase in temperature would cause his skin to break out in hives, his throat to swell up, and his body to become weak and fatigued. It had gotten so bad that one summer, Reggie had nearly died of a heat stroke. 

But through the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope. Keisha, his childhood friend, stood by his side through it all. She would bring him cold compresses, ice packs, and gallons of water. She would sit by his side, fanning him and comforting him during his worst episodes. Keisha was Reggie’s saving grace, his light in the darkness of his allergic reactions to the heat. 

One scorching summer day, when the heat was unbearable, Reggie felt like he was on the brink of collapse when he heard a soft tapping at his door.

“Reg, you okay in there?” Keisha called from outside his door. Keisha was his best friend, always looking out for him in times like these when the heat was unbearable. 

Reggie opened the door, a weak smile on his face. “Yeah, just struggling a bit with the heat again. You know how it is.”

Keisha nodded sympathetically, knowing all too well how much Reggie hated the hot weather. “Well, I have an idea that might help. How about we go on an adventure to find someplace cool where you can relax and cool off?”

Reggie’s eyes lit up at the prospect of escaping the stifling heat. “That sounds amazing! Where do you have in mind?”

Keisha grinned mischievously. “It’s a surprise. Just grab your things and meet me outside in ten minutes.”

She had heard of a legendary place deep in the heart of the forest, where the air was cool and refreshing, a place where Reggie could escape the oppressive heat of the summer. 

Reggie quickly gathered a few essentials and rushed outside to meet Keisha. She was waiting for him with a grin on her face. “Ready for an adventure, Reggie?”

The boy nodded eagerly, his spirits lifted at the thought of getting away from the oppressive heat. They set off down the street, the sun beating down on them as they walked. Reggie could feel the heat prickling at his skin, but he pushed through, determined to see where Keisha was taking him. 

With Keisha leading the way, Reggie embarked on a journey into the unknown. They traversed through dense forests, crossed raging rivers, and climbed a treacherous mountain.

They had been walking for a couple of hours and Reggie was starting to feel dizzy. He suddenly stopped and sat on the ground, gasping for air. “Keisha, I can’t take another minute of this heat. It feels like I’m melting away.” His clothes were drenched in sweat and heat bumps spread along his arms looking very red and itchy.

Keisha knelt by his side and tried to help him up, but he was heavy. “I know, Reggie. But you have to stay strong. We’re almost at the water hole. Just a little bit further.”

“I don’t think I can make it, Keisha,” Reggie replied weakly. “I can feel my head spinning and my vision blurring.”

“No, Reggie, you can’t give up now!” Keish cried urgently. “We’re so close. Just a few more steps.”

Reggie struggled to stand up. “I-I’m trying, Keisha. I really am. But the heat…it’s too much for me. I think I’m going to…”

The boy slumped to the ground and closed his eyes.

Keisha panicked. “No, Reggie, don’t you dare pass out on me! Come on, we’re here. Just a few more steps. You can do it!”

“Keisha…” Reggie mumbles weakly as he slowly loses consciousness.

Keisha shakes his shoulder frantically. “Reggie! Reggie, wake up!”

Keisha quickly ran to the water hole. She filled her bottle, ran back to her friend, and splashed the cool water on Reggie’s face, trying to revive him.

Reggie slowly regained consciousness. He weakly opened his eyes and looked up at his friend. “Keisha…I think I almost died.”

Keisha sighed in relief. “You did, Reggie. But you’re okay now. You had a heat stroke, but we caught it just in time.”

Reggie said weakly, “Thank you, Keisha. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

The girl helped him up and they continued walking. With Keisha’s unwavering support and determination, they finally reached their destination – a hidden oasis untouched by the scorching heat of the summer. Reggie let out a sigh of relief as he felt the temperature drop slightly.

Keisha led him to a secluded area by the pond, where the breeze ruffled the surface of the water, creating a soothing sound. 

“Wow, this place is amazing,” Reggie said, as he sank down on the ground and closed his eyes. “Thank you, Keisha. I really needed this.”

Keisha sat down next to him, a smile on her face. “Anything for my best friend. I know how much you struggle with the heat, and I wanted to help you feel better.”

Reggie opened his eyes and looked at Keisha with gratitude. “You’re the best, Keisha. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

They sat in companionable silence for a while, enjoying the cool breeze and the peaceful surroundings. Reggie felt a sense of calm wash over him, the heat no longer a burden on his shoulders. 

As they sat there, Keisha suddenly stood up and held out her hand to Reggie. “Come on, let’s go for a swim in the pond. It’ll help you cool off even more.”

Reggie hesitated for a moment, knowing how much he hated swimming in public places. But he trusted Keisha, and he knew she would never put him in harm’s way. He took her hand and let her lead him into the water. 

The coolness enveloped him as he waded in, the heat melting away with each step he took. Reggie felt a sense of freedom wash over him as he splashed around in the water, the sun sparkling off the surface of the pond. Keisha swam alongside him, laughing and splashing water at him playfully. 

Reggie couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so carefree and happy, the weight of his allergy to heat lifted off his shoulders for the first time in months. He laughed and splashed back at Keisha, feeling a sense of joy and freedom that he never thought possible. 

As they swam and played in the water, Reggie couldn’t help but feel grateful for having a friend like Keisha by his side. She had stuck with him through thick and thin, always there to support him and help him get through the tough times. He knew he was lucky to have her in his life. 

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the water, Reggie and Keisha emerged from the pond, their clothes clinging to their bodies. They laughed and shivered as they dried off with their towels, the cool evening air refreshing after their swim. 

The cool breeze caressed his skin, and he felt a sense of peace that he had never experienced before. Keisha smiled at him, her eyes filled with warmth and love. 

As they sat together, watching the sun set over the horizon, Reggie knew that he had found his safe haven, his sanctuary away from the heat that threatened his very existence. And though the journey had been long and arduous, Reggie was grateful for Keisha’s unwavering support and companionship. 

 Reggie looked at Keisha, a smile on his face. “Thank you, Keisha. I don’t know how to repay you for everything you’ve done for me.”

Keisha hugged him tightly, her voice soft and gentle. “You don’t need to repay me, Reggie. You’re my best friend, and I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”

 Reggie felt a lump form in his throat as he hugged Keisha back, grateful for her friendship and support. He knew that no matter what challenges he faced in the future, as long as he had Keisha by his side, he could get through anything. 

As the stars twinkled in the night sky, Reggie and Keisha embraced each other, their hearts filled with gratitude and love. At that moment, Reggie knew that no matter what challenges he faced in the future, he would always have Keisha by his side, his loyal friend and savior. 

Reggie smiled weakly. “I can’t thank you enough, Keisha. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

Keisha smiled. “That’s what friends are for Reggie. We look out for each other. Now let’s get you back home where it’s cooler and you can rest.”

The two friends slowly made their way back home. Reggie leaned on Keisha for support.

Reggie looks at his friend gratefully. “I owe you one, Keisha.”

Keisha laughed. “You owe me more than one, Reggie. Just promise me you’ll take better care of yourself in the future.”

“I promise, Keisha. I’ll never underestimate the heat again. Thank you for saving my life.”

 As they walked home in the fading light of the day, Reggie felt a sense of peace settle over him, a feeling of contentment that he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Reggie was sad that he had to leave the oasis to return to the real world, where his allergy to heat still lingered, but he felt a sense of hope and gratitude, knowing that he had a friend like Keisha to help him find his way through the heat and into the coolness of friendship and love.

As they walked hand in hand back to civilization, Reggie knew that with Keisha by his side, he could face anything that came his way, even the scorching heat of the summer. And that thought brought a broad smile to his face, knowing that he was not alone in his battle against the heat. The two friends made their way home, grateful for each other’s presence.


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Short Stories for Teenagers

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