Amazon’s Marketing Tools for Authors

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If you are new to self-publishing on Amazon, you may be wondering how to get the word out about your new book. Thankfully, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has an arsenal of marketing resources at your disposal. There are various marketing and promotional tools you can use to attract attention to your new book. You can read more about each marketing tool below. KDP Select KDP Select is a free 90-day program that was designed to help you to promote your Kindle book. When you enroll your book in the…

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Imposter Syndrome – How I Hate Those Words!

how to overcome imposter syndrome

Of all the words used in the English language, the one I hate to hear the most is the term “Imposter Syndrome”. I first heard this term being used by someone a couple of years ago to describe someone who felt like they did not deserve to be in a managerial position at work. Before that, I had never heard of imposter syndrome. I had no idea what it meant. Imposter Syndrome is a term used to describe people who experience self-doubt about their skills and abilities and feel like…

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Should I Stop Writing?

woman wondering what to write

For this whole week, the UK has been going through a major heatwave. It is 9:07 in the evening and the temperature is 22 degrees Celsius (71.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Earlier in the day, it was 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit). This is not the type of weather you would expect to find in the UK. This is the type of weather you would most likely find in the Caribbean. This weather has made me feel extremely hot, tired, and uninspired to write. In fact, for a long time, I…

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Short Story: The Fortune Teller


“Hey Mandy, do you want to get your fortune told?” asked Ray as he and Mandy walked casually through the fun fair. Every year the fun fair was held in Southall Park during the school’s half term. “Really? Where?” asked Mandy curiously as she looked around the fun fair. The young man pointed to a sign standing in front of a tent. “Over there. The sign says “Get your fortune told by Madame Zora”. “I don’t know, Ray. I really don’t think we should. I remember Pastor Benjamin preaching against…

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Short Story: Bad Influence

friends - bad influence

Mrs. Baxter drew the curtains slightly so that she could look out the window. Her 16-year-old daughter Stephanie had snuck out of the house a couple of hours ago and Mrs. Baxter anxiously waited for her to come home. As soon as she spotted her daughter walking slowly towards the house, she opened the door and stood on the porch with her arms crossed.  “Stephanie! Where have you been?” demanded the girl’s mother. “Do you know what time it is?” “Um, 10:30?” the girl asked nervously. “It’s midnight!” the mother…

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Short Story: Dollar Man

homeless man, beggar

Every morning was just the same as every other morning. Dollar Man sat by the gate of an old church and begged passers-by, mainly churchgoers, for a dollar. He always wore a raggedy old brown coat and a pair of worn-out, faded jeans. He always held in his hand a dirty plastic cup and the first thing he always said to anyone who passed by was, “Can you spare some change please?” If he were lucky, people would stop and drop some change into his cup. When the sun went…

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Rewriting Your Book: Is it Worth It?

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When you are in the process of writing a book, you may write a first draft, a second draft, and possibly many more drafts until you are satisfied that it is ready to be published. In this case, rewriting a book is most definitely a great idea because you want to make sure that your book has no spelling or grammatical mistakes, that it is formatted correctly, and that the images will be displayed clearly. You also want to ensure that your readers will understand and enjoy your book when…

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Self-Publishing Checklist for Authors

self-publishing checklist

To new and aspiring authors, self-publishing a book may seem like a difficult task if you’re not sure of the steps involved. I have self-published more than 13 books so I have been through the whole self-publishing process numerous times and have made a few mistakes along the way. To help you get your book from a manuscript to a finished product, I have compiled a self-publishing checklist that I use to launch and promote my own books. Hopefully, by following this checklist, you will avoid the mistakes I made…

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What is Self-Publishing: Your Questions Answered

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For the month of May, my blog posts will be centered on self-publishing to promote my updated eBook Self-Publishing Success: How to Successfully Write, Publish, and Promote Your Book. If you are an aspiring new author and was interested in self-publishing your manuscript, then you have come to the right place. This post will answer the top six common questions about self-publishing. What is Self-Publishing? Self-publishing is the process of writing, editing, proofreading, cover design, formatting, printing, and book marketing by an author without the help of a traditional publishing…

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6 Self-Improvement Activities to Get Your Life Back on Track

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Self-improvement is an ongoing journey we take to improve every area of our lives. Making improvements to yourself is the key to living your best life. Self-improvement helps you to perform better, stay focused on your goals, create more happiness, increase your confidence, and improve your overall mental health. Here are six self-improvement activities you can start to get your life back on track. 1. Set goals and spend time working on them. I know that you have heard this many times before, but setting goals helps you to focus…

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