Twenty-Five Inspirational Quotes for Discouraged Writers

discouraged writer on laptop

Today, in this blog post, I’m sharing with you 25 inspirational quotes for discouraged writers. If you have experienced writer’s block or are having trouble starting or completing your manuscript, these quotations are exactly what you need to help you get back on track with your writing. I hope that these quotes will motivate you to be more creative and to achieve your writing goals. 11. “You must learn to hush the demons that whisper, “No one wants to read this. This has already been said. Your voice doesn’t matter.”…

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Short Story: Because of Diana

Because of Diana - short story - girl

Hundreds of years ago, Juan and his wife Liora moved their entire family to the city of Nazbosheth. They set up camp just outside of the city. Juan’s family consisted of twelve sons, eight daughters, their wives and husbands, and a hundred and twenty grandchildren, including servants, slaves, and all the livestock that his family owned. The descendants of Heronodab, the father of Sach, owned the land where Juan and his family camped. Juan met with Heronodab and paid him one thousand pieces of silver for the property. He then…

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What Happens When You Don’t Set Goals?

What happens when you don't set goals

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of magazine articles, blog posts, videos, and books that tell you why you should set goals, how to set goals, and how to achieve those goals. But what happens when you don’t set goals? How will this affect your future? This blog post will explore the consequences of not setting goals for your life. When you don’t set goals, you have no direction. It can be difficult to set goals if you don’t know what you want to do with your life. There are times…

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Five Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure in Self-Publishing

fear of failure

Whether you are an established author or are new to the self-publishing business, you may experience the fear of failure when releasing a new book. You may wonder if your book is good enough, will people like it, will you make a lot of sales, or will it become a best seller? With all these thoughts running through your mind, you may delay publishing your book because you may think there are more things you can do to improve it before it is published. But this way of thinking only…

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Why You Should Publish Your Book in Multiple Formats

Self-publish book in multiple formats - Kobo e-reader and books

As a self-published author, you should release your book as an eBook, paperback, or audiobook as this can help you to grow your self-publishing business. These three formats are available in the current book market. By publishing your book in multiple formats, you can reach more readers, increase more distribution channels of your book, and earn more money. Having your book in multiple formats is beneficial for the following reasons: The same book can generate multiple profits. Having a book in multiple formats helps you reach more readers. You can…

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End of Support for Windows 8.1

laptop and other devices

If you’re a Windows 8.1 user like me, then you may have received a message from Microsoft that support for Windows 8.1 will end on January 10, 2023. What this means is that Microsoft will no longer provide technical assistance or software updates for this version of Windows. If your device is running Windows 8.1, you will have to upgrade to a more current version such as Windows 10 or 11 as Windows 8.1 will no longer be supported. So how will the end of support of Windows 8.1 affect…

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Short Story: A Summer Night to Remember

A summer night to remember - couple kissing

Davis twisted and turned uncomfortably in his king-sized bed. It was a hot summer night and he could not sleep. He kicked off the damp sheet that had somehow twisted around his body and went to the mini fridge he had set up in his bedroom and took out a bottle of water. The cold liquid felt so refreshing as it slid down his parched throat. He then opened the French doors to let in what he hoped would be a cool breeze. He could have switched on the air…

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Amazon’s Marketing Tools for Authors

stack of books - author

If you are new to self-publishing on Amazon, you may be wondering how to get the word out about your new book. Thankfully, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has an arsenal of marketing resources at your disposal. There are various marketing and promotional tools you can use to attract attention to your new book. You can read more about each marketing tool below. KDP Select KDP Select is a free 90-day program that was designed to help you to promote your Kindle book. When you enroll your book in the…

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Imposter Syndrome – How I Hate Those Words!

how to overcome imposter syndrome

Of all the words used in the English language, the one I hate to hear the most is the term “Imposter Syndrome”. I first heard this term being used by someone a couple of years ago to describe someone who felt like they did not deserve to be in a managerial position at work. Before that, I had never heard of imposter syndrome. I had no idea what it meant. Imposter Syndrome is a term used to describe people who experience self-doubt about their skills and abilities and feel like…

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Should I Stop Writing?

woman wondering what to write

For this whole week, the UK has been going through a major heatwave. It is 9:07 in the evening and the temperature is 22 degrees Celsius (71.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Earlier in the day, it was 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit). This is not the type of weather you would expect to find in the UK. This is the type of weather you would most likely find in the Caribbean. This weather has made me feel extremely hot, tired, and uninspired to write. In fact, for a long time, I…

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